Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Master Keola Beamer and Raiatea in Concert

Fans of Hawaiian music, rejoice! Lyric at the Birch and Tula Productions are proud to present Keola Beamer and Raiatea in concert on Friday, October 29 at the Birch North Park Theatre.

Keola Beamer is one of Hawaii’s premier singer/songwriters, arrangers, composers and Master of the Hawaiian slack key guitar. His well of talent springs from five generations of Hawaii’s most illustrious and beloved musical families. The Beamers trace their roots to the 15th century; among their ancestors are Queen Ahiakumai Ki’eki’e and Ho’olulu, a child of the favored wife of Kamehameha I. 

Raiatea Helm’s virtuoso recordings and performances have already launched her onto the international music scene with extensive concert appearances throughout Japan and Asia. Domestically, she has appeared at venues stretching from New York City to San Francisco.  She has collaborated with legends of Hawaiian music: The Brothers Cazimero, The Makaha Sons, Keali’i Reichel, Ho’okena, Auntie Genoa Keawe, and Ledward Ka’apana. Keola Beamer and Raiatea Helm first met in 2008 when one of the coordinators for the annual Lantern Floating Festival asked them to share a stage. The two clicked, according to Helm, and they decided to start working together. Eventually, months of touring in Japan, China and the continental U.S. led to them deciding to record a full-length album. They have collaborated on a groundbreaking new CD, “Keola Beamer and Raiatea.” This unique recording transcends the Hawaiian music genre and enters the world music stage by incorporating ancient Hawaiian musical instruments into inventive arrangements.

Tickets are $40 in advance, $45 at the door.

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